AI vs Traditional Software Development - Exploring & measuring the Pros and Cons

The Future of Tech: AI vs Traditional Software Development - Exploring & measuring the Pros and Cons

streamline software delivery

From Chaos to Consistency: How to Streamline Software Delivery for Seamless Results


What Is Git Flow?


The Best Way to Automate Software Development Cycle Reporting


Software Development Process


The Role of a Software Engineer


7 Must-Have Tools for Your Software Engineering Organization

Image representing GraphQL

GraphQL The Rails Way: Part 3 - Subscriptions with websockets via Pusher


6 common mistakes developers make and how to get rid of them

Image including

Why all developers should start blogging

The image is people with the title of the blog on the top

What a developer day looks like, summed up in 12 Gifs

Title of the blog in an image

The 10 Best Developer Tools


7 websites not to miss to stay on top of the latest software trends


Developers’ mental health and productivity: let’s talk about it.

Illustration of GraphQL

GraphQL The Rails Way: Part 2 - Writing standard and custom mutations


The 3 Reasons Why Using Social Media is a Good Idea for Software Developers

Picture of Arnaud Lachaume, CTO of Keypup

Tips and tricks of a tech startup CTO


5 Myths about Software Developers


8 YouTube Channels Software Developers Should Watch to Grow their Knowledge

GraphQL illustration

GraphQL The Rails Way: Part 1 - Exposing your resources for querying


5 Hobbies for developers to develop their programming skills


Cloud tasks for Ruby and Rails

Calculator image

Safe expression evaluation in Ruby for user submitted formulas

This is a red image showing connecting data points

Use Redis Sets to track and expire cache keys in Rails

Illustrating REACT Content

React - Load API content as elements become visible to users


Batch jobs with Google Cloud Tasks and Rails

Image illustrating a dialog bubble

Dialogflow on Rails - Agent import/export & regression testing


Deploy SPAs and programmatically manage traffic with Cloudflare Workers

Linked datapoints illustration

Localize React Components with I18n: Extending react-intl with your own markup

Image representing a database

Leveraging and expiring your cache for model, association and query caching in Rails

Kubernetes illustration

GCP Pub/Sub with Ruby on Rails

Image of Ruby

Google Cloud Tasks with Rails Active Job


Cloud Run and Cloud SQL - Avoid hitting Cloud SQL Admin connection quota


Deploying production Rails applications to Google Cloud Platform


Complex preloading strategies in Rails using custom Active Record scopes


Cloudtasker - Monitor your Cloud Tasks jobs on GCP


Connecting to Memorystore from Cloud Run

Russian dolls illustration

Embedded associations in Rails using JSON fields

Image with the blog title

10 pro tips we found on Reddit


10 questions asked to Titouan, the Keypup intern
