
Why all developers should start blogging

Cica-Laure MBappé
Cica-Laure MBappéLink to author's LinkedIn profile
September 17, 2021
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In this article we’ll explain why you should start blogging, but also some software topics ideas to get started.

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The blog still has a great future. Even though video content is becoming more and more popular, developers love to read blogs. Some of them might even find them more interesting.

It’s not just about improving your writing skills. Blogging can bring you a lot of opportunities to meet new people and assess the way you work. All of this to become the super developer you aspire to be. 

Plus, there is always something to say. What stops software developers from creating a blog is often that 1. it takes time to write, 2. they fear running out of content ideas. The good thing about the software environment is that it’s constantly changing, so you will never miss any content ideas.

In this article we’ll explain why you should start blogging, but also some software topics ideas to get started.

developers blogging - keypup

Write about what you love

Can’t lie about it, we love being developers. We know that you love your job, even if the PM manager interrupts you in the office for the slightest concern. Software developers are passionate people and wouldn’t count hours working. 

So if you write about your coding journey, you’ll never get bored about it. Which is great! 

You have the chance to create a blog and make it all about you, it’s like talking to someone else 24/7! 

There is a lot you can say, but be careful not to be too plain. Great blogs are working because they give something useful to the audience. We’re not sure that “what do I eat for my coding day” will passionate the community. 

Speak about your projects, your software stacks, or even the way you became a developer. 

We’re sure your journey is unique! Find the pain points you faced and give some advice. There are a lot of developers that have at least one in common with you, they’ll appreciate reading about someone like them. 

Be an active community member

Be recognized by your peers. Have you ever received a pat on the back from your boss because you did a good job? Feels good, right? Well, imagine receiving 1000s of pats at the same time! Active developers on communities such as Indie Hackers, Y combinator, or Reddit have a lot to say, and some of them share valuable content. When they share their experiences that can benefit thousands of people, they are rewarded. 

In those particular times, it feels good to be accepted and respected somewhere - even more, to feel helpful. So don’t hesitate to share the little tricks and tips you know because there are a lot of developers out there that don’t know how to solve a problem, especially the code newbies. 

They will give it back to you as soon as you have a problem.


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Deepen your knowledge, become specialized

The more you write, the more you’ll be invested in the dev community. You’ll get to answer questions about your articles and connect with people. 

It won’t be surprising if you spot some white areas, some subjects that only a few have written about because of their technical complexity. So blogging will open your mind to learning new skills and keep writing about them.

According to a Stack Overflow survey, over 89% of developers Google a problem they are stuck on. So if your blog provides good content and your SEO is okay, you can reach out to a lot of desperate developers that are looking for solutions. 

Blogging is like keeping a diary. That way you can transcribe what you know and what you don’t. And if you’re feeling lost and you don’t remember what you did before to solve a problem of the same matter, you can go through your blog and find the solution by yourself. A real-time saver instead of scrolling through Google and StackOverflow once again.

Solve technical problems, and show them off on your resumé

This is the consequence of the previous point. The more qualified you get, the more professional opportunities will come. Blogging is a great way to show a little more about yourself. Your future client/employer will know everything about you before you even meet. 

Blogging is like an evolving resumé that highlights your personality and how you survive in the software development environment. 

There you are, now you know why you should start blogging asap. 

Still not convinced? Here are more reasons in this great blog article written by Sean Hens. 

Or did you already start blogging? Good on you! Share your blog with us on Twitter.
