
7 websites not to miss to stay on top of the latest software trends

Cica-Laure MBappé
Cica-Laure MBappéLink to author's LinkedIn profile
July 13, 2021
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I know how time-consuming it is to take time to read articles, but it’s essential to do it to stay up to date with your actual job sector. Read on.

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Software development constantly evolves with the emergence of new technologies, tools, and easier protocols (depending on what you code for). Because we - developers - are very curious, we are often looking for tricks and tips to code better, and faster. And sleep early. (in theory)

But who’s got time to look past page 1 on Google? (that is if you’re not trying desperately to solve that bug you’ve been working on for hours…)

And ugh, why is it so complicated to find updated documentation?

Don’t worry, there are tons of software development blogs and websites dedicated to telling you what’s going on in the tech world, and what you shouldn’t miss out on. (FOMO is real guys, and it’s working like a charm). For a start, lots of innovative companies leverage trendy topics in their content (blogs, newsletter, etc.) to put them in perspective with regards to their technologies and products. Not only is this clever - because one can see they stay on top of their game - but it’s also a great way to increase their visibility. 

I know how time-consuming it is to take time to read articles, but it’s essential to do it in order to stay up to date with your actual job sector! Stack Overflow and Twitter aren’t enough, sorry...

But here is the good news: I made a list of websites you should turn to for the latest software engineering and development updates, tips, and advice. 

Why seven, would you ask? Because I am obsessed with this number... It’s that simple. Let’s go!


Dzone is one of the largest online developer communities. There you can access a good amount of software development knowledge. The good thing is anyone can submit content. Professionals share about deployment, agile methodologies, java, and more.

Tech Crunch

Tech Crunch is more about general tech news. You can read about companies’ moves, updates, strategies, and venture capital fundings. Look specifically for development-related topics, and you might discover some pretty interesting stuff!


Medium is one of the most popular online newspapers. You can read about thousands of subjects, but it also gathers vast knowledge about software engineering. 


SDTimes is a pioneer, the first issue was 21 years ago! This magazine publishes both print and online articles. You can read about APIs, low code, microservices and more. 

Sign-up and accelerate your engineering organization today !


InfoQ states that “Senior software developers rely on the InfoQ community to keep ahead of the adoption curve.” With over 1.6 million unique visitors last month, InfoQ gathers a great deal of tech content written by software engineers and professional developers.


Daily dev is an aggregated feed of news that redirects to well-known publications and developer blogs. It displays news as cards that you can upvote. One thing I particularly like about daily dev is that you can set reading goals, it motivates you to read more and automate your dev watch. 

Hacker Noon

Don’t be surprised by their flashy, pixelized UI, HackerNoon is a website where you can read and write dev articles, in a more fun way. Over 15,000 writers are publishing stories for over 3 million monthly readers. Impressive, right? 

There it is - 7 websites. The best practice would be to start early in the morning and read at least one article per day, sipping a hot cup of coffee. Easy to say, but I know you can do it.

To go further, our CTO gave precious material about tech development. Check out his dev pro tips here.

Have some more websites to go to for tech tips? Let’s chat on Twitter!

Photo by Luke Peters on Unsplash