
Issue Queue Time

Managing a backlog effectively is a critical part of successful project management in the world of software development. An efficient backlog ensures that your team is always working on the most important tasks, while a neglected or disorganized backlog can lead to delays, confusion, and decreased productivity.

Use Issue Queue Time Metric

Monitor Your Backlog Health

with the

Issue Queue Time

Managing a backlog effectively is a critical part of successful project management in the world of software development. An efficient backlog ensures that your team is always working on the most important tasks, while a neglected or disorganized backlog can lead to delays, confusion, and decreased productivity.

Use Issue Queue Time Metric
Issue Queue TimeIssue Queue TimeIssue Queue Time

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Director, Software Development

Issue Queue Time

One crucial metric for maintaining a healthy backlog is the issue queue time. This metric measures the average time it takes for issues or tickets in your backlog to be assigned to a team member. By tracking this metric, you can ensure that your backlog isn't crowded with stale or irrelevant issues. Our Issue Queue Time Metric template is designed to make monitoring this crucial metric easy and effective.

Understanding the Issue Queue Time Metric Template

The Issue Queue Time Metric template gives you a straightforward way to keep an eye on your backlog health. By providing the average time it takes for your issues to be assigned, you can quickly identify any problems that might arise. If your issue queue time is increasing, it might be a sign that your backlog is becoming too crowded or that your team is struggling to keep up with the workload.

How to Use the Issue Queue Time Metric Template

This metric template is a versatile tool that can assist you in multiple ways:

  1. Assess the development teams' workloads: By monitoring how long it takes for issues to be assigned, you can get a sense of how much work your team is managing. If issues are being assigned quickly, it's a good sign that your team is keeping up with the workload. If it's taking longer for issues to be assigned, it could be a sign that your team is overloaded and adjustments may be needed.
  2. Avoid “hoarding”: Sometimes, teams can fall into the trap of "hoarding" issues — keeping them in the backlog even when they're not relevant or necessary. By keeping an eye on issue queue time, you can identify and prevent this problem.
  3. Maintain an ongoing backlog of items to be purged to avoid issue debt: Just like technical debt, issue debt can be a problem for software development teams. This occurs when old, irrelevant issues clutter up your backlog and distract from the current and more important tasks. The issue queue time metric can help you identify when your backlog needs to be purged of these outdated issues.
  4. Backlog only issues your team can handle: The issue queue time metric can help you ensure that your backlog is only filled with issues that your team can realistically handle. If your queue time is increasing, it might be a sign that you need to reassess the issues in your backlog and prioritize more effectively.


The Issue Queue Time Metric is an invaluable tool for any team looking to maintain a healthy and efficient backlog. By providing a clear, quantifiable measure of your backlog health, it allows you to make informed decisions and keep your software development project on track.

Use Issue Queue Time Metric