
Issue Release Time Metric

The release, validation, approval and finalization stages usually take longer than expected. They are critical but often present room for improvements. Development teams usually get quick wins when optimizing these finalisation steps, which in turns allows them to ship faster and/or make their delivery pipeline throughput more consistent.

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with the

Issue Release Time Metric

The release, validation, approval and finalization stages usually take longer than expected. They are critical but often present room for improvements. Development teams usually get quick wins when optimizing these finalisation steps, which in turns allows them to ship faster and/or make their delivery pipeline throughput more consistent.

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Issue Release Time MetricIssue Release Time MetricIssue Release Time Metric

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The service provided by customer support was excellent, showcasing their dedication to customer satisfaction. We are delighted to be part of the Keypup community.”

“Keypup has been instrumental in helping us gain a better perspective on our engineering activities and identifying bottlenecks. Its ease of use combined with its comprehensive features made a difference for us”

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Keypup is extremely flexible in its reporting. Once you get your raw data connected, there is almost nothing it can't do. There is a wealth of tables, charts and other reports available. As Director of a software development team, I use Keypup to report on our work efficiencies to senior managment. Keypup makes this task very simple to produce each week.”

Brad B.

Director, Software Development

What is the Issue Release Time Metric?

The Release Time metric calculates the average duration an issue remains in "Ready to Release"-like statuses (the list of statuses is configurable). Product teams are recommended to reduce and maintain the release time through automation to ship faster and reduce the pain of manual processes.

Strategies to Reduce the Issue Release Time

Clarify the mandatory steps to release

A high release time indicates some slowness in the final preparation tasks before an item is set live. These preparation tasks may be related to deployments, deployment coordination (e.g. dependencies between releases), management approval, pre-release documentation etc.

In this case it may be worth analyzing those post-implementation tasks to evaluate if they (1) add value to the process and (2) if they can be shifted to regular implementation tasks (e.g. documentation).

Empower people and teams to reduce the dependency surface

It may also be worth reviewing the people in charge of those release tasks and make sure clear roles are assigned to people so that there is no ambiguity on who should perform those (pre-)release tasks.

Automate your release steps

Automate your release and approval tasks to speed up the finalization steps of your issues. Avoid manual repetitive tasks - give engineers time to implement scripts and bots to take care of those steps.

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