Track & Accelerate your Software Delivery Performance

Deliver high-performing software products on time and budget with our software development analytics tool.

Lead Time For Changes Graphical RepresentationMean Time To Recovery Graphical RepresentationSprint Depth Insight RepresentationCycle Time Overview Insight image

Join 6,000+ software teams in the Engineering Analytics revolution

From startups to large enterprises, Keypup serves all the unique complexities related to project size, structure and teams, including:

“Keypup is a highly useful and practical platform, boasting user-friendly features and lightning-fast report generation.

The service provided by customer support was excellent, showcasing their dedication to customer satisfaction. We are delighted to be part of the Keypup community.”

“Keypup has been instrumental in helping us gain a better perspective on our engineering activities and identifying bottlenecks. Its ease of use combined with its comprehensive features made a difference for us”

“Great product with great support!

Keypup is extremely flexible in its reporting. Once you get your raw data connected, there is almost nothing it can't do. There is a wealth of tables, charts and other reports available. As Director of a software development team, I use Keypup to report on our work efficiencies to senior managment. Keypup makes this task very simple to produce each week.”

Brad B.

Director, Software Development
Average Increase of Delivery Performance
Average Annual Savings compared to Manual Reporting
Average Keypup Savings Cost VS Manual Reporting

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Software Development Analytics to Unlock Your Engineering Teams' Potential

How can you improve what you can't effectively measure?

Keypup's software development analytics layer puts engineering metrics at the forefront. It helps explore, interpret, and configure real-time development data into fully customizable metrics — reports, charts, cards, KPIs, and dashboards — to enable immediate contextualization, better governance, and scale across the organization.

Use Cases

Boosting developer productivity is crucial for innovation and competitiveness. Keypup delivers analytics on performance and pinpoints improvement areas by analyzing git and project management data. This enables informed decisions on resources, training, and processes, enhancing efficiency and fostering a culture of excellence. With Keypup, teams achieve more effective development, accelerating the delivery of top-notch software.

Keypup helps create in no time audit & compliance reports

Map and analyze the value stream by tracking and measuring performance metrics. By using VSM, you can gain a better understanding of your engineering team's value creation process, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately increase your ability to deliver value to customers more quickly and effectively.

Keypup helps with Value Stream Management

Identify patterns and trends in your git(s) and project management (PM) tool metadata that may not be immediately visible to developers or managers. Keypup can help identify which parts of the software development process are taking the most time or causing the most defects, enabling teams to focus their efforts on improving those areas.

Keypup helps accelerate Software Delivery

Improve software quality and ensure compliance efficiently by tracking critical metrics. Monitoring bug counts, resolution timelines, and recovery speeds helps pinpoint and address quality issues early, minimizing repair efforts. Simultaneously, assess compliance risks through pull request review ratios and pre-merge green builds, allowing for preemptive risk mitigation. This streamlined approach optimizes both software integrity and audit readiness.

Keypup helps identifying Software Quality Processes issues

In the dynamic realm of software development, aligning processes is key to accuracy and efficiency. Keypup enables the standardization of labels, conventions, and workflows, simplifying data management and boosting team collaboration. By harmonizing protocols, Keypup reduces errors, streamlines tasks, and promotes a unified team environment, which is crucial for optimizing development and upholding quality standards.

Keypup helps increase accuracy of sprint and roadmaps planning

Scale performance, not cost.

Don't commit to financials without fully understanding the product. Keypup's flexible pricing models grant free access to all to explore and adopt.

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Go Beyond Git Analytics


Connect and Explore

Connect to your git repo(s) and ticketing/project management platform(s) and transform your software development meta-data silos into a unified, detailed, and solution-centric ecosystem with Keypup's Canonical Data Model (CDM).

Leverage Keypup’s engineering metrics builder to extract decision-enabling visualizations, highlight roadblocks, and power efficiency.


Visualize and Analyze

Choose from best-in-class templates, or build live, easy-to-understand visuals — pick the best way to extract raw data and expose meaningful narratives to your organization.

Use our assisted or advanced metrics builder to leverage and adapt pre-built dashboards and in-house metrics.  Create and collaborate on personalized and documented views to uncover decisive information.

Zoom and dive in your data to get specific information and details on data points thanks to our automated drill-down feature.


Improve and Scale

Build a software development data ecosystem that seamlessly ties in with the future of your organization.

Keypup's ready-to-use templates can help monitor key aspects, such as your team’s performance, development efficiency, quality and delivery, resource planning, processes, and more. A shift in mindset can enable you to become a data-first engineering organization and drive company growth.

Build custom engineering KPIs and dashboards to tell your unique software development story.

All Engineering Metrics in a widget format

Sign-up and accelerate your engineering organization today !

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